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发布日期:2019年06月24日  来源:盈禾国际备用网站登录盈禾国际备用网站登录

报告承办单位 :盈禾国际备用网站登录盈禾国际备用网站登录

报告内容 : Monitoring Pavement Performance with Smart Sensors: from construction to service

报告人姓名 : 沈士蕙

报告人所在单位 : 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学

报告人职称/职务及盈禾国际备用网站登录头衔 : 教授、博导

报告时间 :2019年6月26日9:20

报告地点 : 工二B-413

报告人简介 : Dr. Shihui Shen is the Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University – Altoona. She received her doctorate degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign. Before joining in Penn State Altoona, Dr. Shen was an Assistant Professor at Washington State University and the director of Washington Center for Asphalt Technology, an AASHTO accredit laboratory through AMRL. She is also an adjunct professor at Tongji University. Dr. Shen studies pavement materials and structures for better durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability. During the early time of her career, Dr. Shen co-developed the Ratio of Dissipated Energy Change approach and applied it to study the fatigue, fatigue endurance limit and healing properties of asphalt mixtures. Her approach has been implemented by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States for evaluating the fatigue behavior of airport pavement. In addition to her continuous interest in asphalt material characterization and innovation, Dr. Shen is recently working on the long-term pavement performance monitoring, evaluation and modeling. She has applied wireless sensors to evaluate the stress/strain and motion behaviors of particulate asphalt mixtures under compaction and traffic loading. Dr. Shen served as the principal investigator of a number of state and nationally funded research projects and was on technical panel of the NCHRP 01-55 project. She has published more than a hundred technical papers and half of those are SCI indexed journal papers. She is currently the associate editor of the ASCE journal of materials in civil engineering, and a member of TRB AFK30 committee, AFK40 committee, ASCE-EMI “Mechanics of Pavements” Committee, and ASCE Bituminous Materials Committee. Dr. Shen has served as the board member and treasurer of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP) since its establishment in 2010. She was elected as the vice president of IACIP in 2018 and is now starting her IACIP President term in January 2019.

报告承办单位 :盈禾国际备用网站登录盈禾国际备用网站登录

报告内容 : 干法橡胶沥青施工技术研究

报告人姓名 : 尤占平

报告人所在单位 : 美国密歇根理工大学

报告人职称/职务及盈禾国际备用网站登录头衔 : 教授、博导

报告时间 :2019年6月26日10:10

报告地点 : 工二B-413

报告人简介 : 尤占平教授于2003年博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校。现任密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University)终身教授、杰出教授。曾任美国土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师学会ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) 路面力学委员会主席(2012-2016年),国际华人盈禾国际备用网站登录领域华人学者冬季年会组织委员会主席(2006年),盈禾国际备用网站登录领域华人学者国际会议道路盈禾国际备用网站登录领域主席(2010年、2011年),国际盈禾国际备用网站登录基础设施和材料会议组织委员会主席(2016)。

尤教授现任密歇根理工大学盈禾国际备用网站登录材料研究中心主任,美国土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师学会ASCE沥青材料委员会主席、国际华人基础设施协会理事会理事和对外合作处主任、美国注册职业土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师、《Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering》(SCI)副主编、和数十个期刊的编委和评审专家。同时担任8个国际期刊(SCI)特邀主编,美国注册职业土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师,担任瑞士,加拿大,美国,西班牙,沙特,中国香港等基金项目的评审专家。

尤教授长期致力于道路盈禾国际备用网站登录领域的教学科研与盈禾国际备用网站登录实践,解决了沥青混合料性能表征与测试、新型沥青路面材料研发、节能环保型沥青路面建造等一盈禾国际备用网站登录重大科学技术难题。发表盈禾国际备用网站登录论文约400篇,其中SCI收录180篇,被7000余次, H-index达39;参编国际会议论文集10本。

尤教授曾获美国ASCE土木盈禾国际备用网站登录教学杰出贡献奖, 美国艾森豪威尔总统教授奖,密歇根理工大学最高研究奖。

报告承办单位 :盈禾国际备用网站登录盈禾国际备用网站登录

报告内容 : beneficial use of industrial and municipal solid waste into geopolymer

报告人姓名 : 黄宝山

报告人所在单位 : 美国田纳西大学

报告人职称/职务及盈禾国际备用网站登录头衔 : 教授、博导

报告时间 :2019年6月26日11:00

报告地点 : 工二B-413

报告人简介 : 黄宝山,美国田纳西大学土木盈禾国际备用网站登录系Edwin G. Burdette讲席教授、博士生导师,现为沥青路面专家协会(AAPT)会员、盈禾国际备用网站登录研究委员会(TRB)委员、美国土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师协会(ASCE)会员、美国土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师协会(ASCE)沥青材料委员会核心委员、美国土木盈禾国际备用网站登录师协会(ASCE)路面盈禾国际备用网站登录委员会核心委员、国际沥青路面协会(ISAP)会员以及美国测试与材料协会(ASTM)会员等,同时担任Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering等多个高影响力盈禾国际备用网站登录刊物的副主编。长期从事土木盈禾国际备用网站登录材料及道路盈禾国际备用网站登录的相关研究工作,先后承担科研项目50余项,科研经费合计1000多万美元;发表论文300余篇,其中SCI收录论文174篇、SCI引用3113次、H指数32。