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发布日期:平博欧赔数据年10月13日  来源:能源与动力工程学院

报告承办单位 : 能源与动力工程学院

报告地点 : 图书馆报告厅

报告人 及报告主题 简介 :由中国平博欧赔数据平博欧赔数据联盟主办、pg电子官网入口平台承办的 平博欧赔数据 International Symposium on Structural Integrity(pg麻将胡了网站入口,ISSI平博欧赔数据)以“关键基础设施的平博欧赔数据平博欧赔数据”为主题,英文名为“Structural Integrity of Critical Infrastructure”,拟于平博欧赔数据年10月14日-17日在长沙举行。本次平博欧赔数据诚邀来自平博欧赔数据界和工业界的专业人士,齐聚讨论关键基础设施的平博欧赔数据问题与成果,助推技术与产业发展。

Wei Yang

Solids in nano-scales - extreme strength and elasticity

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Email: Yangw@zju.edu.cn

Wei Yang was born in 1954 in Beijing. He received his Ph.D. degree from Brown University, USA in 1985. Prof. Yang has worked in fracture mechanics, meso and nano mechanics, structures of aerospace vehicles, and X-mechanics. He served as Director of the Office of Academic Degrees Committee under State Council of China (平博欧赔数据04-平博欧赔数据06). He was the President of Zhejiang University (平博欧赔数据06- 平博欧赔数据13), and the President of National Natural Science Foundation of China (平博欧赔数据13-平博欧赔数据18). Currently, he is a Professor of Zhejiang University, a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Head of Technological Science, a Fellow and the Treasure of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), a Foreign Member of National Academy of Engineering (USA).

Huajian Gao

Engineer metals with internal interfaces for enhanced mechanical performance

Member of National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering (USA)

Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Email: huajian.gao@ntu.edu.sg

Huajian Gao received his B.S. degree from Xian Jiaotong University in 1982, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Science from Harvard in 1984 and 1988, respectively. He served on the faculty of Stanford from 1988-平博欧赔数据02, as Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research from 平博欧赔数据01-平博欧赔数据06 and as Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Engineering at Brown from 平博欧赔数据06-平博欧赔数据19. At present, he is a Distinguished University Professor at Nanyang Technological University and Scientific Director of the Institute of High Performance Computing in Singapore. Professor Gao s research has been focused on the understanding of basic principles that control mechanical properties and behaviors of materials in both engineering and biological systems. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. His list of honors includes elections to both National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering in USA and to Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as numerous awards such as the Timoshenko Medal.

Jian Lu

Multiscale mechanics and structural integrity of additive manufactured materials

Member of the National Academy of Technologies of France

City University of Hong K ong, Hong K ong, China

Email: jianlu@cityu.edu.hk

Prof. Jian LU is Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong. President of the Hong Kong Materials Research Society (HKMRS) and former president of the Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (HKSTAM) Professor LU’s primary research interest is advanced nanomaterials and its integration in mechanical and biomedical systems using the combination of experimental mechanics and mechanical simulation. He has also branched out into several other areas of interest including multiaxial fatigue, residual stresses, surface science and engineering, biomechanics, and nanomechanics. He has published more than 450 SCI journal papers including papers in Nature (cover story), Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Materials Today, Advanced Materials, PRL, Acta Materialia, and Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. His research work is cited more 35000 times. He received the French Knight of the National Order of Merit and French Knight of the National Order of Légion d’Honneur in 平博欧赔数据06 & 平博欧赔数据17 respectively. He was elected as a member of the National Academy of Technologies of France in 平博欧赔数据11. He received the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award from the Chinese National Academy of Engineering in 平博欧赔数据18. He was also elected as a Fellow of the Hong Kong of Engineering Sciences and of the Hong Kong Institute of Science in 平博欧赔数据13.

Laibin Zhang

Status and Challenge of Oil and Gas Storage Tank Detection Technology

Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing, China

Email: zhanglb@cup.edu.cn

P rof. Zhang work s on the teaching and research of fault diagnosis, risk assessment and early warning theories and methods of oil and gas safety production systems and equipment. He received 2 second prizes of the National Technological Invention Award, 2 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 provincial and ministerial level science and technology progress special prize and several first prizes. He has published many monographs and textbooks, and published more than 300 papers. He also received 1 second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award, the Outstanding Member of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers and the Sun Yueqi Energy Award. He is the editorial board member of the third edition of the Encyclopedia of China, the editorial board member of the editorial board of Petroleum Science, Petroleum Science Bulletin, China Safety Production Science and Technology, Journal of Safety and Environment and other magazines. He is director of the Safety Professional Certification Committee of China Engineering Education Accreditation Association (CEEAA), Vice Chairman of the Second Council of China Association Public Safety (CAPS), and Deputy Director of the Petroleum Engineering Professional Committee of the China Petroleum Society (CPS).

Jianlong Zheng

New durable asphalt pavement design theory and method

Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, China

Email: zjl@pgdzgwrkpt.sbs

Professor Jianlong Z heng is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is the top-rated highway engineering specialist and once served as the first president of Changsha University of Science & Technology. Meanwhile, he also owns a variety of different academic titles, which includes director of National Engineering Research Center of Highway Maintenance Technology, director of the Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, the vice director of Teaching Guiding Committee for Civil Engineering of the Ministry of Education, the vice chairman of China Highway & Transportation Society, e xecutive Committee member of the International Road Federation, and the chairman of the N ew Think-Tank Alliance for M inistry of T ransport of the People’s Republic of China, etc.. Prof essor Zheng has devoted to scientific research, technology development, and engineering application in the field of road engineering and geotechnical engineering. He has published over 2 6 0 journal publications and 9 monographs. During his research period, he held over 60 national invention patents and compiled 5 professional specifications. Most importantly, he was awarded the first-class award and the second-class award of “National Science and Technology Progress Award” in the year 平博欧赔数据09 and 平博欧赔数据12 due to his great contributions in highway engineering research field, respectively .

Hideo Miura

Strain-induced acceleration of the degradation of the crystallinity around grain boundaries in stainless steels under creep load at elevated temperature

Director of Fracture and Reliability Research Institute

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Email: hmiura@rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp

Prof. Hideo Miura is Professor and Director of Fracture and Reliability Research Institute, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan. He worked for Hitachi Ltd., Japan for about 平博欧赔数据 years as a chief researcher of mechanical reliability of various products. Since he moved to Tohoku University in 平博欧赔数据04, he has been engaged in the research on the characterization of the crystallinity of various materials in atomic-scale and visualization of the degradation process of the crystallinity and non-destructive inspection of the crystallinity. He holds over 170 patents in Japan and more than 80 patents in USA and EU. He is an author of over 250 technical papers in the field of mechanical reliability of materials and thin-film devices. Based on the research activities mentioned above, he received six ASME Best Conference Paper Awards in 1992, 平博欧赔数据07, 平博欧赔数据09, 平博欧赔数据11, 平博欧赔数据15, and 平博欧赔数据19, IEEE Best Conference Papers Awards in 1993, 平博欧赔数据11, 平博欧赔数据13. He also received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 平博欧赔数据17. He has served as a general chair, a program chair and a technical committee at a number of JSME, ASME, and IEEE conferences since 1987.

Lin Ye

Design and Characterisation of Mechanical Meta-materials for Impact Mitigation

Fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China

Email: yelin@sustech.edu.cn

Professor Lin Y e currently a Chair Professor at the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Before he joined SUSTech in late 平博欧赔数据21, he was a Professor and the Director of the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology at the University of Sydney. He received his BEng degree from Harbin Engineering University in 1982, and MEng in 1984 and PhD in 1987 from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He then joined the Xian Jiaotong University as a Lecturer in early 1988. He joined the University of Sydney in July 1992 after working as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Composite Materials (IVW GmbH) since July 1990. His major research interests are in the areas of composites science and technology, smart materials and structures, nano-materials and nano-composites, structural integrity and durability. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) in 平博欧赔数据05.

Jiazheng Lu

Research and application of anti-icing technology for power grid

Director of State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment

State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company Limited, China

Email: lujz1969@163.com

Prof. Jiazheng Lu is Chair Professor of Electrical and Information Engineering at the Changsha University of Science and Technology, and Director of State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment in Hunan Electroc Power Grid. Professor LU has been committed to the scientific research engineering application of power grid ice damage prevention and control for decades. Professor LU is also a leading talent in science and technology innovation under the national “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, a national-level candidate for "Millions of Talents in the New Century", and he received special allowances from the State Council. In addition, Professor LU was granted “Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Innovation Award”, and he won one first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, one second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, one China Patent Gold Award and five provincial and ministerial first prizes as the major contributor.

Yinsheng Li

Structural integrity assessment of important components in nuclear power plants

Head of Materials and Structural Integrity Research Division

Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

Email: li.yinsheng@jaea.go.jp

D r. Li is division head of Materials and Structural Integrity Research Division, Nuclear Safety Research Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, which is a national research institute of Japan. His primary research interests are structural integrity assessment of reactor pressure vessel and piping system, seismic safety assessment of nuclear facilities, and the influence evaluation of impact by projectiles including aircraft. He has published more than 230 reviewed papers in journals or international conferences. He has won several important awards including Outstanding Technical Paper Award in ASME PVP平博欧赔数据18, Technology Awards of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science in 平博欧赔数据12. He is a member of WGIAGE of OECD/NEA, a member of Subgroup on Evaluation Standards of ASME BPV Code Section XI, a member of Atomic Energy Research Committee of Japan Welding Engineering Society, a member of Technical Committee of Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, a member of Structural Subcommittee of Nuclear Standards Committee of the Japan Electric Association. He is also teaching in Tokyo University and Human Resource Development Center of the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

Guiyun Tian

RFID sensors-based inspection and monitoring structural integrity

Editors-in-Chief of Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation

Newcastle University, Newcastle , United Kingdom

Email: g.y.tian@ncl.ac.uk

GuiYun Tian is Chair in Sensors Technologies and was the group head of Communications, Sensors, and Signal Processing at Newcastle University in the UK. He is also director of the National Sensor Research Lab (Chengdu) and International collaboration centre of NDT & E at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, funded by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology as an adjunct professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He has been carrying out research into Sensors, NDT&E, structural health monitoring (SHM), and their applications for railways, pipelines, aerospace, etc. He has published more than 500 papers, h-index 68, and book chapters and he is Editors-in-Chief of Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation (Taylor & Francis).

Bruce Drinkwater

Recent advances in ultrasonic array imaging and its implications for structural integrity assessment

Editor-in-Chief of NDT & E International

University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

Email: b.drinkwater@bristol.ac.uk

Bruce Drinkwater is Professor of Ultrasonics at the University of Bristol. He obtained B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Imperial College, London, UK, in 1991 and 1995 respectively. Bruce then joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, where he has been involved in a diverse range of engineering topics including non-destructive evaluation (NDE), condition monitoring as well as metamaterials, ultrasonic levitation, and haptics. He has worked on ultrasonic arrays for 平博欧赔数据 years and this is a common theme that links together many of his research interests. Over the last 10 years he has been part of the UK Research Centre in NDE, where he has collaborated closely with industry to progress his research ideas into reality. As a result, t he ultrasonic imaging methods, and algorithms he helped develop, known as Full Matrix Capture (FMC) and the Total Focusing Method (TFM), are now in widespread use by industry where they have improved the safety of aircraft, power stations and other complex engineering structures. He has published >150 refereed journal papers, including a monograph on ultrasonic imaging published by FESI, and he is one of the most cited authors in his field. He has received international prizes including the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, KU Leuven Ambassador’s Chair and The Roy Sharpe Prize from the British Institute of NDT. He is Editor-in-Chief at Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation International and on the editorial board of Proceedings of the Royal Society, A. He actively engages with schools and the public about engineering, acoustics and NDT through public talks and articles as well as developing hands-on exhibits.

Hongbo Zeng

Probing reversible noncovalent molecular interactions toward developing multifunctional soft materials and surfaces

Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

University of Alberta, Canada

Email: Hongbo.Zeng@ualberta.ca

Hongbo Zeng is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta, a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in intermolecular forces and interfacial science, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars. He received his BSc and MSc at Tsinghua University and PhD at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Zeng’s research interests are in colloid and interface science, functional materials & nanotechnology, with a special focus on the intermolecular and surface interactions in soft materials (e.g., polymers, biopolymers, biological systems) and engineering processes. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles on related research topics. He has received many awards for his work, such as the Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award, Martha Cook Piper Research Prize, Engineering Research Award, Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award and Great Supervisor Award of the University of Alberta, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Lectureship Award, CSCHE Innovation Award of The Chemical Institute of Canada, International Award for Outstanding Young Chemical Engineer, Killam Annual Professorship, the van der Waals Prize (平博欧赔数据),  and the NSERC Steacie Fellowship.

Caijun Shi

Design of ultra high performance concrete for resilient infrastructures

Director of Key Lab of Building Safety & Energy Efficiency (MOE)

Hunan University, China

Email: cshi@hnu.edu.cn

Caijun Shi is a Chair professor in the College of Civil Engineering at Hunan University, Changsha, China, and Director of Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Energy Efficiency of Ministry of Education of China, and Key Laboratory for Green & Advanced Civil Engineering Materials and Application Technology of Hunan Province. He received his B. Eng and M. Eng from Southeast University, China in 1984 and 1987 respectively and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary, Canada in 1992. His research interests include design, testing, evaluation and applications of cement-based materials, and has delivered more than 250 lectures on a variety of topics all over the world, especially four successive keynote lectures at the International Congress on the Chemistry of Cements.  He is the founding editor-in-chief of Journal of sustainable Cement-based Materials since 平博欧赔数据12, and has received numerous awards. He served as vice president of Asian Concrete Federation between 平博欧赔数据17-平博欧赔数据平博欧赔数据, and was elected as a foreign member of Engineering Academy of Ukraine in 平博欧赔数据21, and a fellow of of International Energy Foundation in 平博欧赔数据01, American Concrete Institute in 平博欧赔数据07, and RILEM in 平博欧赔数据16.

Xu Han

Multi-source uncertainty quantification, propagation and optimization design for mechanical structures

Former President of HEBUT

Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China

Email: xhan@hebut.edu.cn

Dr. Xu Han is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Hebei University of Technology, China. His current research interests are mainly in numerical simulation-based design, uncertainty analysis and reliability for mechanical structure . Prof. Han’s related theory achievement has been successfully applied to aerospace field , vehicle engineering, nuclear power equipment and industrial robot, etc. He is the author of 4 monographs and has published more than 平博欧赔数据0 peer-reviewed papers with over 10,000 citations. Prof. Han serves as the Associate Editor for ASME - Journal of Mechanical Design, International Journal of Computational Methods, Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering. H e was named as “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” for the 8 th consecutive year in mechanical engineering by Elsevier from 平博欧赔数据14 to 平博欧赔数据21, and received numerous awards including the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education of China, First Prize of Technology Invention Award of China Machinery Industry Federation and Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award of Hebei Province , etc.