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1 、个人基本信息:


别: 女


技术职称: 讲师

毕业院校 :   湖南师范大学


所在学科: 地理信息科学

2 、学习和工作经历:


2020.09-2024.06 湖南师范大学,自然地理学专业,博士

2016.09-2019.06 江西农业大学,农业资源利用专业,硕士

2012.09-2016.06 贵州师范大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理专业,学士


2024.06- 至今 长沙理工大学 水利与环境工程学院,讲师

3 、目前研究领域:


4 、主持在研或已完成主要课题:

5 、主要科研成果(发表学术论文、出版著作、授权发明专利):

1. Ran F , Wang   S, Nie X, et al. Driver-response relationships in a large shallow lake since   the Anthropocene: Short-term abrupt perturbations vs. long-term sustainable   pressures[J]. Global Change Biology, 2024, 30(4), e17267. SCI,中科院1TOP

2. Ran F , Nie   X, Wang S, et al. A significant loop of lake sedimentation state links   catchment eco surroundings and lake biogenic regime shifts[J].   Limnology and Oceanography, 2023, 68(8): 1775-1790.SCI,中科院1TOPIF=4.5

3. Wang S#, Ran F# , Nie   X, Li Z, et al. Coupled effects of human activities and river-lake   interactions evolution alter the sources and fate of sedimentary organic   carbon in a typical river-lake system. Water Research, 2024, 255: 121509. (共一;SCI,中科院1TOP

4. Ran F , Nie   X, Li Z, et al. Chronological records of sediment organic carbon at an   entrance of Dongting Lake: Response to historical meteorological events[J].   Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 794: 148801. SCI,中科院1TOP

5. Ran F , Nie   X, Wang S, et al. Anthropogenic-driven chronological increase of sediment   organic carbon burial in a river-lake system[J]. Environmental Research,   2022, 215: 114392. SCI,中科院2TOP

6. 冉西汉姆vs伯恩利聚胜顽球汇 , 聂小东, 王诗兰, .近百年来洞庭湖粒度指示的沉积环境演变特征[J].湖泊科学,2023,35(03):1111-1125.EICSCD

7. Xiao T, Ran F , Li   Z, et al. Sediment organic carbon dynamics response to land use change in   diverse watershed anthropogenic activities[J]. Environment International,   2023, 172: 107788. SCI,中科院1TOP

8. Yang C, Li Z,   Wang S, Ran F , et al. Anthropogenic activities control   the source dynamics of sediment organic carbon in the lower reach of an   inland river[J]. Water Research, 2023, 233: 119779. SCI,中科院1TOP

9. Liu Y, Nie X, Ran F , et   al. The occurrence and distribution characteristics of microbial necromass   carbon in lake sediments[J]. Catena, 2024, 239: 107944. SCI,中科院1TOP

10.   Wang   S, Nie X, Li Z, Ran F , et al.   Quantification of sedimentary organic carbon sources in a land riverlake continuum combined with   multi-fingerprint and un-mixing models[J]. International Journal of Sediment   Research, 2024, 39(2):230-242. In pressSCI,中科院2区)

11.   Wang   S, Nie X, Ran F , et al. Human activities control   the source of eroded organic carbon in lake sediments over the last 100   years: Evidence from stable isotope fingerprinting[J]. Fundamental Research,   2023. SCIIF=6.2

12.   Sun   Y, Nie X, Li Z, Wang S, Chen J, Ran F . The   applicability of commonly-used tracers in identifying eroded organic matter   sources[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 126949. SCI,中科院1TOP

13.   Li   Z, Wang S, Nie X, Sun Y, Ran F . The application   and potential non-conservatism of stable isotopes in organic matter source   tracing[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838: 155946. SCI,中科院1TOP

14.   Liao   W, Tong D, Li Z, Nie X, Liu Y, Ran F , Liao S.   Characteristics of microbial community composition and its relationship with   carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in sediments[J]. Science of the Total   Environment, 2021, 795: 148848. SCI,中科院1TOP

6 、所获学术荣誉及学术影响:

7 、联系电话:17373136157 联系邮箱:rfwei@pgdzgwrkpt.sbs
