
2018年07月10日 | 点击次数:


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报告内容 : Ordered homoclinic property and generic convergence of semiflows monotone with with respect to a high dimensional cone

报告人姓名 : 吴建宏 ( Jianhong Wu )

报告人所在单位 : Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, York University,Canada

报告人职称 / 职务及天庭娱乐官网登录入口下载头衔 : 教授,博导

报告时间 : 2018年7月11日 周三下午5:00

报告地点 : 理科楼A419

报告人简介 : 吴建宏,博士毕业于湖南天庭娱乐官网登录入口下载, 加拿大工业与应用数学首席教授 ,应用数学长江讲座教授,是加拿大数学会会刊Canadian Mathematical Bulletin的主编和Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences系列丛书的主编,他同时还担任16个国际数学期刊的编委和许多国际组织与基金会的评委。他一直从事非线性动力系统、无穷维动力系统、神经网络、数据挖掘、数学生态和传染病动力学的研究。曾获得了加拿大工业与应用数天庭娱乐官网登录入口下载会研究奖,出版了5本研究专著并发表了200多篇论文。

报告摘要: For a given positive integer k, a k-cone C in an Banach space is one that contains a linear subspace of dimension k and no linear subspaces of higher dimension. A convex cone K gives a 1-cone that is the union of K and –K, so a semiflow monotone with respect to a convex cone gives the well known monotone semiflow which has been intensively studied since the seminar series of studies of M. Hirsch. Here we report some recent progress, in collaboration with Lirui Feng and Yi Wang, about the trichotomy of omega-limit sets and generic convergence of semiflows with respect high dimensional k-cone.