

2018年05月22日 15:35 来源:科学研究部

报告承办单位 :计算机与通信工程腾达平台快速注册登录线路

报告内容 : 基于文本大数据的无载体信息隐藏

报告人姓名 : 孙星明

报告人所在单位 :南京信息工程大学

报告人职称/职务及腾达平台快速注册登录线路头衔 :教授

报告时间 :201 8 5 腾达平台快速注册登录线路 3 点半

报告地点 :理科楼B-311

报告人简介 : 孙星明, 南京信息工程大学教授,博导。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目3项、国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、国家气象行业专项1项、国家水利行业专项1项、国家国际科技合作项目1项,参与国家973、863、973前期专项等国家项目多项,获省级科技进步奖六项。担任ICCCS2015、ICCCS2016等国际会议主席。在IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security、IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems、IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology、InfoCom等国内外重要期刊和会议上发表高质量论文100多篇。多篇论文被美国Purdue大学,英国剑桥大学,挪威信息安全国家实验室等国内外同行专家引用,目前ESI全球高被引论文17篇。

报告承办单位 :计腾达平台快速注册登录线路院

报告内容 : Cognitive Data Science over Internet of Things - Research Trends

报告人姓名 : Arun Kumar Sangaiah

报告人所在单位 :印度维洛威特大学计算科学与工程腾达平台快速注册登录线路

报告人职称/职务及腾达平台快速注册登录线路头衔 : 教授

报告时间 :201 8 5 腾达平台快速注册登录线路 2 点半

报告地点 :理科楼B-311

报告人简介 : Dr. Arun Kumar Sangaiah received his Ph.D from VIT University and Master of Engineering from Anna University, in 2007 and 2014, respectively. He is currently Associate Professor at School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India. He was a visiting professor at School of computer engineering at Nanhai Dongruan Information Technology Institute in China (September. 2016-Jan. 2017). He has published more than 180 scientific papers in high standard SCI journals like IEEE-TII, IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE systems, IEEE-IoT, IEEE TSC, IEEE ETC and  etc.  In addition he has authored/edited over 8 books (Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis) and 50 journal special issues such as IEEE-Communication Magazine, IEEE-IoT, IEEE consumer electronic magazine etc. His area of interest includes software engineering, computational intelligence, wireless networks, bio-informatics, and embedded systems. Also, he was registered a one Indian patent in the area of Computational Intelligence. Besides, Prof. Sangaiah is responsible for Editorial Board Member/Associate Editor of various international SCI journals.

上一条:腾达平台快速注册登录线路:陈伦锦: Bounce resonance interaction between magnetosonic waves and energetic electrons in the magnetosphere 下一条:腾达平台快速注册登录线路:李永福:智能网联车辆交通流的建模与队列协同控制
