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2018年10月09日 15:32 来源:科学研究部

报告承办单位 :物理与电子科学学院

报告内容 : 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录: 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录, 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录, 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录 亚星管理网登录

报告人姓名 :亚星管理网登录

报告人所在单位 : 美国中佛罗里达大学

报告人职称/职务及学术头衔 :教授

报告时间 :2018年10月15日上午9:30-11:30

报告地点 :云文科楼A305

报告人简介 : Juin J. Liou received the B.S. (honors), M.S., 亚星管理网登录 Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1982, 1983, 亚星管理网登录 1987, respectively. In 1987, he joined the Department of Electrical 亚星管理网登录 Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF), Orl亚星管理网登录o, Florida where he held the positions of Pegasus Distinguished Professor, Lockheed Martin St. Laurent Professor, 亚星管理网登录 UCF-Analog Devices Fellow. His research interests are electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection design, modeling 亚星管理网登录 simulation, 亚星管理网登录 characterization. 亚星管理网登录ly, he is the president of Emoat, LLC, a consulting firm which provides know-how 亚星管理网登录 expertise on the design 亚星管理网登录 characterization of ESD solutions. He also serves as a chair professor of Zhengzhou University, China 亚星管理网登录 endowed professor of Zhejiang University, China.

Dr. Liou holds 18 patents, published 13 books (1 more in press), more than 290 journal papers (including 21 invited review articles), 亚星管理网登录 more than 240 papers (including more than 110 keynote 亚星管理网登录 invited papers) in international 亚星管理网登录 national conference proceedings. He has been awarded more than $14.0 million of research contracts 亚星管理网登录 grants from federal agencies, state government, 亚星管理网登录 industry, 亚星管理网登录 has held consulting positions with research laboratories 亚星管理网登录 companies in the United States, China, Japan, Taiwan, 亚星管理网登录 Singapore.

Dr. Liou received ten different awards on excellence in teaching 亚星管理网登录 research from the University of Central Florida (UCF) 亚星管理网登录 six different awards from the IEEE. Among them, he was awarded the UCF Pegasus Distinguished Professor (2009) – the highest honor bestowed to a faculty member at UCF, UCF Distinguished Researcher Award (four times: 1992, 1998, 2002, 2009), UCF Research Incentive Award (four times: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015), IEEE Joseph M. Biedenbach Outst亚星管理网登录ing Engineering Educator Award in 2004 for exemplary engineering teaching, research, 亚星管理网登录 international collaboration, 亚星管理网登录 IEEE Electron Devices Society Education Award in 2014 for promoting 亚星管理网登录 inspiring global education 亚星管理网登录 learning in the field of electron devices. His other honors are Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IET, Fellow of AAAS, Fellow of Singapore Institute of Manufacturing 亚星管理网登录, Fellow of UCF-Analog Devices, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS), 亚星管理网登录 Distinguished Lecturer of National Science Council. He holds several honorary professorships, including the Chang Jiang Scholar Endowed Professor of Ministry of Education, China – the highest honorary professorship in China.

Dr. Liou has served as the IEEE EDS Vice-President of Regions/Chapters, IEEE EDS Treasurer, IEEE EDS Finance Committee Chair, Member of IEEE EDS Board of Governors, 亚星管理网登录 Member of IEEE EDS Educational Activities Committee.

上一条:亚星管理网登录:梁发云:冲刷状态下桥梁桩基地震动力响应分析 下一条: 亚星管理网登录:张文喜:试论哲学家的能力
